Monday, November 16, 2009

Cheap Talk: Floyd Mayweather Jr. belittles Manny Pacquiao

Right after Manny Pacquiao’s annihilation of Miguel Cotto came in Floyd Mayweather, Jr. and his big mouth belittling the Pacman’s ability in the ring as well as implying that the Filipino is evading him. Money May’s pronouncements only confirm what many people think of him as nothing but a fool. He doesn’t have any idea of what he is talking about.

Manny Pacquiao is not of the habit of calling any fighter out there but would rather let Freddie Roach do the talking and Bob Arum do the dirty work for him for a fight to happen. Manny Pacquiao has proven time and time again that he is not afraid of anybody and has not ducked anybody in his long storied career. The quality of fighters that Mayweather had faced pales in comparison to what the Pacman has fought and beaten in the ring. The quality of opposition that they had speaks for itself.

Unlike Mayweather who is a loud- mouth, Manny Pacquiao remains humble and would rather make his fists do the talking when the right time comes. Unlike Mayweather who picks his opponent wisely, Manny Pacquiao fights the best fighters out there. Unlike Mayweather who feasted on patsies to pad his ‘undefeated’ record along the way, Manny Pacquiao has annihilated a veritable Who’s Who in the boxing world to become a seven division champion. Unlike Mayweather who toot his own horn, Manny Pacquiao would rather make the people be the judge of his abilities and achievements.

And now Floyd, you’re saying you want to earn $65-75M for one night. Isn’t it just like you’re asking for the moon and ridiculously pricing yourself out to avoid the mega fight that most people want to see?

I say, enough of the cheap talk Floyd. If you really want the fight with Pacquiao to happen--

Man up and tell your people to start the ball rolling and be reasonable. I’m sure once you sign on the dotted line for the Pacquiao fight, you’ll have more than enough money to pay the IRS and support your lavish lifestyle.

Man up and prove yourself that you are the best by fighting the best one out there. Yeah, Floyd, even just for once, back up your talk like a real man and do what a real man should do. That is, fight the Pacman.


  1. mayweather is all talk. his unbeaten record means nothing until he fights the real pound for pound king. the only chance he has winning is if he brings senior with him in the ring to help him outbox manny. but even then they would still get badly beaten up and they know this. oh he also has a chance to become a 7 division champion like manny if he starts fighting all the lower division champions including miniflyweights and super-miniflyweights or he could chose to stay undefeated by just fighting the amateur boxing teams in high school and preschools in the country. sissy!

  2. mayweather is some arrogant SOB. honestly, lets look at the facts here. in mayweather's fight with ricky hatton, it took 8 rounds to finally knock hatton out. in pacquiao's match with hatton, 2 rounds. now if we look at each of their previous opponents, mayweather has done a good job selecting fighters obviously smaller than him, which puts him at an advantage. as for pacquiao, he has fought the best of the best in each of the 7 divisions he has fought in. obviously mayweather is bigger than pacquiao, and a true welterweight. but as we saw with cotto, size isn't everything.
    and regarding pacquiao's timdness towards accepting/issuing challenges, its only natural. any fighter/athlete wouldn't want to be a stuck up, conceited brat and challenge someone in their face. its just rude and uncalled for.

    in all, mayweather can talk all the smack he wants. it'll smack him back in his face when he gets the first loss of his career.
